With a great eye for presence, accessibility and Telemarketing List availability, a lot of demand for a physical meetings in order to work innovatively and a lot of attention to collegiality and team spirit. The latter would also be so dependent on regular Telemarketing List physical meetings. As a result, the trend towards hybrid working has become that you do concentrated personal work at home, more or less undisturbed. Meetings, collaboration and Telemarketing List innovation take place in the new office, which has become more of a clubhouse than a workplace.
In the meantime, the impression is Telemarketing List already being created that switching work context has just as negative consequences for concentration and productivity as switching work content. Sticking to company culture I find it fascinating Telemarketing List how much attention is paid to work and organizational culture. And especially about preserving it. That's what we know from before corona, what we've worked on during and what we Telemarketing List want to hold onto for the coming months and years.
That in itself is of course to be welcomed Telemarketing List but let's also keep an eye on the disadvantages of that old, familiar work culture. Continuous accessibility and availability, the occupational therapy of continuous consultations and Telemarketing List meetings and the tyranny of the open office garden. In addition, the need to be physically present to be seen and recognised, the dominance of especially extroverted people in the Telemarketing List workplace and transgressive behaviour. New wine belongs in new bottles .